Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Writing Review Week

I am so grateful to be in this class. I never enjoyed writing, but this class allowed me to write more. By writing more, I am able to express my thoughts through words. Since I am not really good at writing, I want to improve more on sentence structure and grammar. Reading other stories from other people allowed me to learn a lot from them. Some of my classmates are talented writers! I love the feedback I receive from from Professor Gibbs and the classmates because it allows me to improve my writing skill. I think the biggest challenge is grammar for me. Because English isn't my first language, I have hard time writing. I love looking back at my work. Because I never had a class which allowed me to write everyday, I feel accomplished looking at my work. I attached my favorite picture from one of my stories. This story was my favorite because I think I did a good job expressing Shupanakha's feeling.


  1. I have also learned a lot from reading the stories of our classmates! One thing I had to work on in my writing was dialogue and reading the stories of other students helped me see how to best incorporate it into my stories and use it in a way that helps the reader get to know and better understand my characters.

  2. Surprisingly, this class has actually improved my writing abilities. I am so thankful for that because I feel like I am always having to write papers, but what I love about this class is that there is no pressure. And yes, Laura gives the absolute best feedback! Some classmates do too. What I love is the balance. Some people are super positive, while others are more serious and help my fix my stories. It is perfect!
