Monday, March 23, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 9

This week, I wasn't able to do my diary entries and since I wasn't able to do my diary entries, I wasn't able to do storytelling :( I had a lot going on this week. Because I am graduating this May,I did a lot to prepare my future! I looked for some job offers from different companies and also did some research on military. Originally, I wanted to be a nurse, but my passion for nursing is disappearing so I am just looking at different options. Life is an adventure and I am really unsure about what I will do after graduation.

I enjoyed reading other students writing! A lot of them were so creative and unique! Since I missed out on writing my own, it was nice catching up with the class. By commenting on different stories and blogs, I was able to see diff

My other classes were pretty crazy. Because it was spring break the week after, a lot of my classes had mid terms. I also had to pull a all night on Thursday night for my physiology. The exam was hard, but I was so ready for a break from school! For spring break, I'm planning on going to Texas with my family.

Personally, it was hard for me this week. A good friend of mine was deployed and it was hard for me to get over the emotions. He was supposed to be deployed next month, but it was a sudden noticed from his center commander. I  was planning on spending part of my spring break hanging out with him, but that went out the window. I was so sad he was leaving.

I watched a movie called God's not dead as a study break. It was a such a good movie with many meaning to it. The main character was such a faithful christian. The movie made me look back at my spiritual life.


  1. Hey Jae! Congrats on almost being done! That’s so exciting. I’m really sorry about your friend having to be deployed early. I hope you get to see him soon. Is God’s not dead on Netflix? I’ve heard of this movie and have been wanting to watch it. I’ll have to look into that. Good luck with the rest of the semester and finals. And congrats again on almost being done! I hope you find your dream job!

  2. Hi there!
    This post is from a few weeks ago, but I actually just had the same experience—not being able to do this storytelling, which I actually enjoy, because I had not been able to do either one of the reading diaries! It sounds like you are pretty busy and stressed with graduation looming, but I hope things go well for you! I actually completely changed my career plans just last semester, so I know how you are feeling!
