Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 14 Famous Last words

A week before dead week! Dead week is here! I cannot believe that my college career is almost over. Good thing is that since I have couple online classes, I don't have that many finals. It is so hard to concentrate when I am about to graduate. My motivation has left me after I took the senior portrait.

I read some awesome stories by fellow classmates and they were all so creative. Since my major doesn't involve a lot of writing, it was fun to explore other people's writings. My favorite was the birth story storybook.

I am trying to finish this class today so that I can just start working on other classes. I have a final paper due for capstone tomorrow and also a world music paper due on Friday. After I get through all the papers, I will be able to focus on my studies.

Work wasn't too bad. I am getting burned out a little bit, but I think its natural for a person who had the same job for a long time. I will be training the new baristas this week again which won't be that bad.

I had a great weekend. I spent some time with a great friend of mine. I went to a car racing event which was mind-blowing and watched a movie too. The car racing event was exhilarating. There were so many mustangs because it was mustang club event. I was able to ride in my friend's car which has 540 hp. The car event was something different and I hope to go to more of those in the future.

 I watched a movie called Ex Machina. The movie made me think about how technology is dominating our universe now. The movie was great, but I did not like the ending. It is crazy how technology rules this world now and soon, the technology might take over the human population. I would recommend this movie to other people too.

Here is a funny meme for Finals.
                                                                     Image Source

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jae!
    Congratulations on graduating soon! I can’t wait until I’m in the same position as you are, ready to graduate and be done with school. It’s smart that you’re trying to finish up this class early. That’s my plan too: finish this class today so I can have the rest of dead week and then finals week to study for all my finals!
